/ Tirol : 2022 /
/ stone : mushroom : timber : concrete /
The project aims to retell the many stories that the river Brandenburger Ache contains and to embody them in a physical object.
The name "Tempera" refers to the playing card Temperance, whose main character is a non-binary person standing with one foot in the water to represent the surreal, while the other foot is on dry land, a representation of the material world.
The sculpture will also be placed between these two worlds. It will sit in the river and, depending on the water level, will be completely exposed or flooded.
The scultpure is made from almost a ton of concrete. The shape is that of a playing card with deep imprints created by found objects collected along the Brandenburger Ache. A piece of root, a car rim, a mushroom, stones - objects that have stories to tell and were carried and shaped by the power of the water.
The sculpture is also a playground for children. The differently shaped pools with varying depths invite interaction with the sculpture.